Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Massaged Model
Here is a new model that I finished tonight. Trying to make it more fluid and change the pathways through the interior. I've moved the rooms into and out off the skin (kind of like the cube). Tomorrow I'm going to be adding the structural skin, but before i do...i wanted to know if i should go with my past model or go with this one for the exploded axo. Thanks Zach

1 comment:

Jonathan Dawes said...

Hi Zach- this looks promising... the shifting of the skin in certain locations. I still think that you should look more at the spaces in-between the buildings and their effects. I am also not entirely convinced about the restaurant/ greenhouse envelope. Maybe the views to test should be the long section including the undercroft or cutting a cross section through the accommodation. Also the trees are absent- yet provide a significant part of the context to which your proposal needs to respond. Add a section of skin to see the effects and maybe post that too... thanks