Sunday 12 October 2008

Rock / Studies

Here are the first digital studies to transform the image into a three dimensional block. From left to right you can see the volcanic mountain and after-explosion and the same form's representations in different languages.
Later, by mirroring the base and placing it over the base I get an interesting space in between.


Jonathan Dawes said...

Hi Aras. What materials would you propose to use for these models- and what processes would they involve? Jonathan

Aras Burak said...

for the beginning i am planning to 3D print half size as prototype,

then doing tests by casting plaster - resin

Jonathan Dawes said...

Maybe you should experiment with the materials first- to see what their limits and qualities are- before translating from digital CAD straight to digital made form- which has no surprises or iterative feedback in the process......make sense? Jonathan

Aras Burak said...

i will do on monday some non-digial models too.

although i'm also expecting the digital ones to give interesting and unexpected light conditions when we see them physically. it might be worth to see one or two tests not relying on them 100%.