Thursday 22 January 2009

Public Space and Journey

The idea is to define the public space, semi public space and private space along with showing the where the public road signs are then the road signs and guides naturally becomes a reference in forming a jouney.

This journey does not exist physically but does exist mentally so I thought that the connection that it has to my previous works.

The map above only shows lower part of the river but the whole site will be studies in same method.

1 comment:

Jonathan Dawes said...

Joe- I like the idea of making a map that describes the qualities of way-finding and I think the idea of concealing or revealing fragments of your journey is still valid. Maybe instead or converting the entire map you focus more on the journey made and the immediate surroundings that you are aware of as you move through.... annotation, symbols. codes and text are all useful ways of describing changing conditions and specific incidents along the way- Jonathan