Wednesday 21 January 2009

Sketch Ideas for Mapping 1

My sketch idea for the mapping of the journey would be series of drawings, each of them are fragmented from the sites of the journey. This sketch, for instance, is a fragment of one site (near Boundary Post) that is located at the beginning of my journey. Each drawings will show layers of information showed in axonometric. I hope this strategy of mapping would help to accentuate the important information that made up the whole area (i.e. site boundary, building volumes, voids, separations and openings, etc.). The series of drawings would be a selection of sites that have important remarks to the surrounding context and would be drawn in a sequence, as if they were pieces of puzzles that can be assembled together to form a map.

1 comment:

Jonathan Dawes said...

Hafiz- this drawings looks very interesting and clear graphically. I am very interested in the categories of the exploded drawing- how will they help you understand the site better.... are they subjective readings, technically derived or a combination? See the post above about this may help you decide how to filter or combine information. Also check my previous comments about Kyoto. Keep it up! Jonathan